Thursday, May 31, 2018

This water purifier has strong global relevance!

This water purifier has strong global relevance!

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This water purifier has strong global relevance!

Compiled by Avinash Yadav
Raft Foram, an ecological performative structure, aims to produce fresh water from seawater; its prototype applicable globally to all such areas in need of fresh water

Created primarily to combat the growing scarcity of water in the state of California, which has been experiencing severe drought over the last four years resulting in a parched landscape, Foram is a self-sufficient, modular swimming raft-pavilion, equipped with water purification technologies and a solar pond as a clean energy generator to foster coast farming and build an artificial reef of clean water plants in front of Santa Monica bay.

Designed by partners, Paul Bart and Marvin Bratke in collaboration with Studio DE, this innovative floating purification station has won the 4th prize in the internationally acclaimed Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI) Competition.

The raft consists of two major parts: the floating raft with scenography that animates the debate on the future of drinkable water into four thematic areas: urban farming, dedicated learning area, an eatery with self-grown food and a water bar at the gravity centre, where the floating platform and performative roof canopy meet each other.

The second is the roof structure that consists of 3 elevated tanks, at the top of the canopy that purify water via direct desalination that gets distributed via a network of transparent tubes and collected at the bottom of the raft.

Foram collects the desalinated water at the three lowest points of its construction via conduit systems. The pumps, which are powered by clean energy gained in the solar ponds, pump the water into the conduit system and from there into the desalination tanks. The desalinated clean water is then pumped into storage tanks, which are mounted on the underside of the rafts.

The fresh clean water can either be enjoyed first hand at the fresh water bar, stored into the Santa Monica water network, used on one of the platforms arms for off shore farming or get vaporized to cool down the surrounding and create its distinct atmosphere inside the structure.

Foram provides a new relaxation and chill out spot in front of the coast of Santa Monica. The pavilion metamorphoses into a fog cloud with evanescent contour of its own inside using sound, smell and media projection to attract its users at nighttime, providing a platform for resident artists and a spectacular and fun off-shore entertainment program.

Importantly, at the centre of the project lies the human itself, balancing between his actions and his respect of the environment. The prototype aims at meeting the need of sustainable management of the water resource and creating awareness by creating a usable piece of transformable architecture.

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The growing importance of Non destructive testing service

The growing importance of Non destructive testing service

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The growing importance of Non destructive testing service

The ageing of our infrastructure requires a higher level of inspecting in order for it to be properly maintained. Testing of our infrastructure for maintenance and further development is important in order to properly budget for repairs and proper maintenance. At the same time it is also very important to maintain the safety of this infrastructure as it continues to age. This is where Non destructive testing services come into the picture.

Understanding the concept of Non destructive testing:

This involves a wide range of analytical techniques. These techniques are used to test materials or to test different systems and to test various components without causing any damage to them.

The benefits of the Non destructive testing:

The benefits of Non destructive testing services are:

Most of the tests that are used in the NDT services do not alter or damage the material being tested. It should also be noted that these techniques are not just safe for the material or component that is being tested, but it is also completely safe for human beings. One can safely use these techniques even in industries which have high pressure apparatus.

These services are one of the best ways to get accurate and reliable results. It has a number of tests which can be conducted and the collective data can then be studied to come to a reliable conclusion.

As compared to many other methods these techniques are found to be cost effective and have pricing in line with current manual inspections, especially when it comes to bridge inspections and other large infrastructures.

These services are one of the best ways to maintain regulatory compliance and most of the times you do not need to shut down the complete operations to carry out the tests.

As example of Non destructive testing:

One striking example of NDT service is Non Destructive Testing post tension tendon inspection service. This service involves tests and techniques which can help in detecting voids and water bleeding grout, corrosion and section loss in the pt tendons of segmental structures. Reputable companies carry out the Non destructive testing post tension services in real time and they provide the quantitative data which is used to determine if any repairs and changes are required in the system.

The applications of Nondestructive Testing NDT:

NDT has a wide range of applications. It can be used in all those industries where a failure in the systems or in the component can result in huge monetary loss. NDT techniques like radiography and CT scanning are used in the verification of welds. These methods are also used in medical and clinical fields. The techniques are used widely in structural mechanics and are becoming more popular for bridge inspections, dam inspections and the like.

Selecting the right company for NDT techniques:

The NDT techniques are one of the best ways to find out any defects in the components and systems. This data obviously helps different industries to take the required steps to avoid any disastrous situations. But for this one needs to get accurate data and the implementation of the techniques has to be done properly. For this you need to opt for NDT service providers who have a good reputation and who can carry out all the required techniques properly. They should be able to interpret the data correctly and provide the correct reports. Keep in mind that the success of this technique depends on the person or the company who is doing the analysis.

To know more about please follow this link: Ground Penetrating Radar and Concrete Crack Inspections.

The Four Seasons of Publicity - Building an All-Year Publicity Machine

The Four Seasons of Publicity - Building an All-Year Publicity Machine

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The Four Seasons of Publicity - Building an All-Year Publicity Machine

If youre like most publicity seekers, you probably think oneproject at a time. Youve got a new product coming out in April,so you send out a release in March. Youve hired a new executive,youll put out a release when shes on board, etc.

For hard-core publicity insiders, though, theres a rhythm togenerating coverage, based upon the natural ebb and flow of theseasons. Such an approach can help you score publicity throughoutthe year, and will help keep your eye on the ball from Januarythrough December.

Essentially, a yearlong approach consists of two strategies:

* Timing your existing stories (new product introductions,oddball promotions, business page features, etc.) to fit theneeds of the media during particular times of the year.

* Crafting new stories to take advantage of events, holidaysand seasonal activities.

Before we run through the four seasons of publicity, a few wordsabout lead time. In this age of immediacy (only a few secondsseparate a Matt Drudge or a CNN from writing a story and puttingit before millions), its easy to forget that, for many printpublications and TV shows, it can be weeks -- and sometimesmonths -- before a completed story sees the light of day.

The phrase lead time simply refers to the amount of time neededfor a journalist to complete a story for a particular issue of amagazine or episode of a TV news program. For example, afreelancer for an entertainment magazine may need to turn in astory on Christmas movies by September 15. Thats a lead time ofthree months, time needed for the editor to review and change thepiece, the issue to be typeset and printed and distributors toplace the issues on newsstands before December. Lead time canrange from a day (for hard news pieces in newspapers) to a fewdays (newspaper features) to a few weeks (weekly magazines) tomany months.

The longest leads are the domain of "womens books" like GoodHousekeeping and Better Homes & Gardens. These publicationsoften have a lead time of up to six months, which means they needinformation for their Christmas issues as early as May!

Heres a tip to help you discover the lead time of a particularpublication youre targeting: call the advertising department ofthe publication and request a media kit. Since advertisers needto know when their ads must be submitted, each issues lead timeis clearly stated in the media kit.

Factor the lead time into your planning as you look over thefollowing sections. If you have a great story idea for RollingStones summer issues, you need to be on the ball well beforeMemorial Day.

The Four Seasons of Publicity:

First Quarter: January - March

What the Medias Covering: Early in the year, the media islooking ahead. Its a great time to pitch trend stories,marketplace predictions, previews of things to expect in the yearahead, etc. If a new President is being inaugurated, youll seelots of "Will the new administration be good for the(textile/film/cattle ranching/Internet/...or any other)industry?" types of pieces. This is a good time to havesomething provocative, or even controversial, to say about yourindustry.

The media also likes this time of year to run "get your personalhouse in order" sorts of pieces. Tax planning, home organizing,weight loss, etc. Anything thats geared toward helping peoplekeep their New Years resolutions can work here.

Key Dates and Events: Can you come up with a story angle to tieyour business into an event that typically generates lots ofcoverage? Put on your thinking cap -- I bet you can! Here aresome key events during the First Quarter: Super Bowl, NCAATournament, Easter, The Academy Awards.

Second Quarter: April - June

What the Medias Covering: An "anything goes" time of year.With no major holidays or huge events, April is a good time totry some of your general stories (business features, new productstuff, etc.) Light, fun stories work here, as a sense of "springfever" takes hold of newsrooms (journalists are human, you know.Theyre just as happy winter is over as you are and its oftenreflected in the kind of stories they choose to run.). As Mayrolls around, thoughts turn to summer. Now theyre looking forsummer vacation pieces, outdoor toys and gadgets, stories aboutsafety (whether automotive or recreational), leisure activities,things to do for kids and so on.

Key Dates and Events: Baseball opening day, tax day (April 15),spring gardening season, Memorial Day, end of school, summervacation.

Third Quarter: July - September

What the Medias Covering: The dog days of summer are when smartpublicity seekers really make hay. Folks at PR firms are onvacation, marketing budgets are being conserved for the holidaysand reporters are suddenly accessible and open to all sorts ofthings. Get to work here, with creative, fun angles.Entertainment-themed pieces do well in the summer, anything withcelebrities works, lighter business stories, new products, trendpieces, technology news, back to school education-themedarticles, you name it. Reporters are about to get deluged onceagain come September, so use this window of opportunity wisely.

Key Dates and Events: July 4th, summer movies, summer travel,back to school.

Fourth Quarter: October - December

What the Medias Covering: The busiest time of the mediacalendar, the Fourth Quarter is when the business media turnsserious and the lifestyle media thinks Holidays, Holidays,Holidays. Business angles need to be hard news. Fluffy trendpieces wont cut it, as business editors begin to take stock ofthe state of the economy and the market. Its a tough time toput out a new product release. For the non-business media, thinkChristmas. Christmas travel, Christmas gifts, Christmas cooking,whatever. If you have a product or service that can be given asa holiday gift, get on the stick early.

Nail down lead times for the publications youre targeting, callto find out whos handling the holiday gift review article andget your product in the right persons hands in plenty of time --along with a pitch letter or release that makes a strong caseabout how what a novel, unusual or essential gift your productmakes. After Christmas, you have a brief window for "Best of theYear", "Worst of the Year" and "Year in Review" pieces. Becreative -- the media loves these things.

Key Dates and Events: Labor Day, World Series, Thanksgiving,Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years Eve.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Christmas Gifts For Mom 2010 Online

The Christmas Gifts For Mom 2010 Online

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The Christmas Gifts For Mom 2010 Online

Along with the coming of the yuletide season is your time to think of the finest Gift Ideas For Mom. Yes, its true that no matter what you give to your her, she would gracefully accept it. Most mothers normally see the thought, effort, and the money spent for the gift; not the thing itself. Nevertheless, it still pays to make her happy by giving her something special that she truly deserves. Kindle 3 would be a perfect gift for her.
Included in the things that most moms receive are those customary gifts like perfume, bathrobe, or kitchen gadget. Some may reward her with something thats fit to her interests. For this year, giving her a new thing can be such a great idea. There may be something that she would like to have, but would not expect to receive now. Why not try to purchase that for her?

Before you select which thing to buy, it is essential to consider her interests first. For instance, an electronic book reader can be a perfect choice for her especially if she loves to read and shes interested in literature. This product is one of the greatest gifts for all ages nowadays. Apart from that, give her that Amazon Gift Certificate, too, so she can have all of those books, magazines, and other literary works that she likes to read.

Various individuals still opt to purchase those traditional presents these days. You dont even have to shop for all these gifts. You can surprise your mother by hiring a cleaning service to come to your house and clean it for her. Or you may treat her for a massage or spa so she can relax from all the hard works. One more thing, you may sponsor a long vacation for her if you had enough money to do so.

Giving your mom a cell phone is also a smart idea. She can use this thing to easily and quickly communicate with her loved ones. A high-quality personalized stationary set will also be appreciated by her especially if shes into planning dinner parties or sending thank you notes. She will certainly love the thought that you think about her and the things that make her happy everyday.

If you didnt have anything in mind yet, dont fret because the finest Christmas Gifts For Mom 2010 is now here for you. In addition to what have been mentioned, most mothers also like to receive jewelry such as a necklace, bracelet, and others. If shes someone who loves to travel, then give her those travel accessories that she needs. These may consist of some great books to read and bags that she can make good use of.

Tech-ready roads soon a reality

Tech-ready roads soon a reality

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Tech-ready roads soon a reality

As lifestyles get smarter with self-driven cars and on-errand drones, International design and innovation office CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati think up stratagems to meet the new demands that arise
Carlo Ratti Associati and Italys leading highway agency ANAS are all set to design a Smart Road system, featuring multi-sensor flying poles hands-on facilities for self-driving cars and on-demand drone swarms. The two agencies have been working on a Smart Highway program that will be implemented on more than 2,500 kilometers of roads and highways.

The project involves a pioneering infrastructure system featuring drones that can deliver first-aid support, as well as sensing poles that can send useful information to both todays drivers and tomorrows self-driving vehicles. The program experiments with new ways of gathering and sharing data about mobility, with the objective of improving safety conditions and traffic management. The new infrastructure revolves around a series of flying poles, which incorporate multiple sensors and in-motion Wi-Fi connection services. On top of each pole is a recharging station from which drones can take off and start monitoring the road. Thanks to the data collected by the poles, the system can inform drivers, in real time, of the conditions of the road ahead. Direct, customized messages can be sent to each drivers mobile phone or to each vehicles on-board navigation system, which in turn can give their own feedback back to the system.

We are living in a time of momentous changes in the field of mobility. The Internet has radically transformed the way we get around, and how we design our roads, says Carlo Ratti, founding partner at CRA and professor of the practice of urban technologies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). With this project, we aim to superimpose a digital layer over the existing physical infrastructure of our road network, to gather better data about our highways. The next step will be to pool this data with information already collected by individual cars, in an Internet-of-Roads scenario that will make us ready for the other revolutionary breakthrough that is likely to happen in the next decade: the arrival of self-driving vehicles, he elaborates.

The flying poles, located at regular intervals, feature an array of sensors detecting all major environmental variables, from air pollution to wind speed, humidity, and weather changes. Furthermore, the poles power a Wi-Fi system that allows people to stay connected to the Internet while on the run, while a low-energy information panel displays useful information to the driver.

Taking off from the recharging stations located on the tops of the poles, the drones represent a dynamic integration to the new infrastructure. They can serve different purposes primarily related to safety and maintenance from monitoring tunnels, viaducts or other remote pieces of infrastructure, to bringing medicine or other first-aid equipment to drivers, to detecting accidents, fires or floods happening close to a highway.check out the visuals on

CRA collaboration stands out as part of a larger digital transformation initiative put forward by Italys road agency over the last few years, covering about 10% of the 26 thousand kilometers of roads and highways that ANAS oversees.

Taking A Look At The Plantronics Voyager 510 Bluetooth Headset

Taking A Look At The Plantronics Voyager 510 Bluetooth Headset

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Taking A Look At The Plantronics Voyager 510 Bluetooth Headset

No one ever knows when they are going to be in a vehicular accident. But if you are driving with one hand and talking into a cellphone with the other, you are dramatically increasing your odds of being involved in a collision.
It is no wonder why so many states are now passing laws that ban the use of cellphones while driving. The new laws require you to use a Bluetooth headset to keep your hands free. If you have just started shopping around for a headset, then you need to check out the Plantronics Voyager 510 Bluetooth Headset.

The Plantronics Voyager 510 Bluetooth Headset is a phenomenal device. With just a click of the headset you can answer incoming call. But the features do not stop there. It features Multipoint technology, which allows you to use the headset with your phone, PDA or laptop. That means versatility and in today's economy everyone needs items that can be as versatile as possible.

Another great feature of the 510 is the WindSmart technology. This feature allows you to have crisp, clear calls when you are in a noisy environment, such as when the windows are rolled down on your car.

You do not have to worry about background noises with this headset, which is a phenomenal feature considering so many early Bluetooth models were hard to hear on and were completely overshadowed by background noise. An even greater feature is the AFH, which stands for Adaptive Frequency Hopping. AFH allows the headset to change frequencies so that it does not interfere with Wi-Fi.

So how much should you expect to pay for the 510? In most online retail stores you can find it for less than $50.00, which is a great deal considering that the suggested retail price is $100.00, so you are getting a great Bluetooth headset for a fraction of the price it should list for. And while there are fancier models on the market, this is a solid, dependable Bluetooth headset that will give you plenty of talk time and standby time.

Okay, so maybe your state has not passed any driving laws that forbid the use of cellphones while driving. But that does not mean that you cannot be proactive; take a step to help prevent an accident yourself.

If you talk on your phone while driving or simply need your hands free to do a task, the Plantronics Voyager 510 Bluetooth Headset may be exactly what you are looking for. It is affordable, easy to use and it is versatile. What more could you ask for?

Visit Mike Selvon portal to learn more about the plantronics voyager 510 bluetooth headset. Your feedback is much appreciated at our bluetooth headphone blog where a free gift awaits you.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Surveillance System Terminology

Surveillance System Terminology

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Surveillance System Terminology

We present you with the surveillance system terminology in a brief and concise manner.
AES Automatic Electronic Shutter: It automatically adjusts the shutter speed against the changing brightness levels to get the best possible signal output. High Brightness Levels ->> Increased Shutter Speed Low Brightness Levels ->> Decreased Shutter Speed

AGC Automatic Gain Control: Also known as Automatic Voltage Gain, it boosts the output signal level, regardless of the variation of amplitude in an input signal. The amplification of the signal is achieved with a closed-loop feedback circuit.

Back Light Compensation It shifts the camera focus from the center of the picture to the sides of the picture. This is advantageous in situations where the light source is at the back of the subject; otherwise, the subject would be a big black spot.

CCTV Closed Circuit Television: Customary television primarily used for security and surveillance purposes.

DNR Digital Noise Reduction: When the lighting levels are low, the noise in the picture increases. The 2D and 3D noise reduction suppresses any noise present in the picture and delivers crisp and clear images.

DSP Digital Signal Processor: This is the unit where all the picture modifications like AGC, AES, BLC are processed. DDNS Dynamic Domain Name Server: It is the network service responsible for letting you access your Internet domain to the IP addresses.

ELC Electric Light Control: This is just another name for AES (Automatic Electronic Shutter) and changes the amount of illumination entering into the camera lens by changing the shutter speed. This mechanism helps in achieving quality output in varying lighting conditions.

FPS Frames Per Second: Unit of the frame rate of security cameras and recorders.

H.264 Also known as MPEG-4 AVC, this is an efficient video storage method which reduces the bandwidth requirement in half and improves the video quality.

HDD Hard Disk Drive: Disk Space for storing surveillance footage.

IP Rating This rating indicates the amount of protection against the outside elements. There are two digits in the rating format; the first one tells for protection against solid particles and the second one denote protection against liquids.

IR LED Infrared Light Emitting Diode: Used for illumination in the darkest hours of the night.

PoE Power Over Ethernet: Used in network cameras to supply audio, video, and power -- everything in a single cable!

POS Point of Sale: Also known as POP (Point Of Purchase), it is the video surveillance of the cash desk area.

PTZ Pan Tilt Zoom: Functional in security cameras used for pan (move left or right), tilt (move up and down) and zoom closer or farther in the image.

Remote Access It is the ability to get access to a device, regardless of your location.

Vandalism Violent entry to a house with intended destruction or damage of the property.

Video Surveillance Digitally monitoring and recording all the activity in and around the property.

WDR Wide Dynamic Range: Security cameras with WDR can handle major differences in brightness and contrast. A picture is exposed to different brightness levels and then one main image is digitally composed using the ideally exposed areas.

Wireless System Security systems, which require no wires at all! All the connections are wireless.

Lee Mark is a gadget wizard, an active blogger, and an eminent speaker. Having 10 years of experience to his credit, Lee has always been a pertinent contributor towards the security industry with his area of expertise into the security cameras domain. He is closely associated with Revo America, a well renowned security products manufacturer and retailer.

Sprint to the 4G LTE Finish Line

Sprint to the 4G LTE Finish Line

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Sprint to the 4G LTE Finish Line

Sprint knows a thing or two about playing catch up. Since Verizon and AT&T are already in the 4gLTE mix, its only natural that Sprint would have to follow suit. Looks like theyve been doing it on the sly and now theyre ready to go big.

Dara Kerr of the CNET Blog Network writes:

According to the technology news site TechnoBuffalo, which received the documents, it seems that Sprints Network Vision campaign has been in progress in Akron, Ohio; Chicago; Fort Worth, Texas; Nashville; New York; Rialto, Calif.; and Stockton, Calif., since last year. This means that these markets could possibly be next on the list to get 4G LTE activation.

In January, Sprint announced its plans to launch its 4G LTE service in 10 markets by midsummer, including major cities like Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, and Atlanta. TechnoBuffalo reports that the mobile network also recently said that it plans to have most of its 3G markets blanketed with 4G LTE in 2014.

Verizon Wireless and AT&T are both well under way with their own LTE deployments. Verizon announced last month that it planned to have at least 400 markets equipped with 4G LTE by the end of the year (it currently has about 200 sites around the U.S.) and AT&T already covers all five New York boroughs and a total of 32 markets with 4G LTE.

This is great news for Sprint subscribers because Sprint is going to have some cool phones coming up and speed is definitely playing a factor is peoples decisions on which smartphone to get, let alone, which provider they choose. Stefan Constantinescu of INTOMOBILE provides a great perspective in his article:

Sprints going to launch a 4G LTE network this summer thatll initially cover five to six cities. By the end of the year, Sprint expects to cover over 123 million Americans, and by the end of next year they expect that figure to climb to 250 million Americans. To put that number into some perspective, Verizon covers more than 200 million people right now, as in today, and they expect to reach 260 million people by the end this Christmas. AT&T covers less than 75 million people today with 4G LTE, but they say theyll double that by the close of the year. So is Sprint catching up to the big boys? Hardly. According to Bob Azzi, Senior Vice President of Sprints Network, he says: 2014 is the big year.

What happens in 2014? Sprint is going to turn on 4G LTE in the 800 MHz band. That spectrum is currently being used for iDEN, better known as push to talk. Less than 6 million people are currently using that network, which means that prime real estate spectrum is being underutilized. Once Sprint moves some of their 4G LTE to that band however, theyll be much better able to compete with the likes of AT&T and Verizon, who own spectrum in the 700 MHz band. Sprints network will use half the amount of spectrum (5 MHz down, 5 MHz up) that AT&T and Verizon use (both do 10 MHz down, 10 MHz up), but Sprint has half the number of customers, so less load equals more speed? Well find out.

Theres been a huge debate over the spectrum and what it will mean for companies using it. I hope Sprint does bring the heat in the speed game, because Verizon is overpriced and AT&T is over-hyped. Its time Sprint made a comeback.

About SeedCornPPC: Seed Corn Advertising is an online Advertising Network based in Los Angeles, California committed to establishing new business development partnerships and to grow your search network and ours.Learn more about SeedCornPPC by visiting us at

Small guide to particle size analysis

Small guide to particle size analysis

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Small guide to particle size analysis

Particle sizing is a collective name that is assigned to technical and laboratory procedures. What do these systems accomplish? The size distribution of atoms in a given sample. Particle size analysis is used in order to solve many applications, making it possible for manufacturers to provide high quality products. The measurements are realised within a laboratory and the findings support the operations that are executed. The matter of the fact is that the physical properties of atoms influence everything from reaction to abrasivity. Examples of industries that benefit from the measurement of particle size distributions include but are not limited to pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and chemical. In addition to gaining better control of product quality, these industries are looking forward to learning more about their products and, implicitly, the processes that they utilize.
When it comes to particle size characterization, there are several methods that laboratories employ. These approaches can be separated into the following categories:

Ensemble approaches: the particles are assessed at the same time Counting approaches: individual atoms are calibrated Separation approaches: an outside process is used to isolate the particles by size

The techniques that are used in the industry are very precise, meaning that the chances of errors occurring are slim to none. Attention needs to be paid to the fact that certain procedures can be applied only to specific types of materials and, therefore, that the applicability is highly limited. To be more precise, it is not possible and neither is it recommendable to use the same practices for sampling both metal powders and ceramic clays. The experts are the ones who have to determine which techniques are suitable for the particle size analysis project.

Until this point, it is clear that particle size characterization is used in order to provide answers. Taking into account that particle size matters so much, how does one interpret the results? Experts providing analytical services are required to look for symmetrical distributions and make sense of values such as mean, median, and mode, which is not an easy thing to do. Establishing what defines an atom and what the measurements of some parameters represent. While deciphering such things is out of the ordinary persons reach, laboratory technicians are more than capable of making sense of the data. It is important to keep in mind that laboratory technicians have automated and easy to use machinery at their disposal.

Last but not least, it is possible and even desired to improve the particle size analysis process. The matter of the fact is that technical and laboratory procedures have been thought to lack precision between laboratories. Simply put, it is hard for professionals to confirm their findings, which is surprising, considering that they make use of the same instruments. Anyway, progress is expected with regard to particle size characterization. The result is that, in the future, there will be no more delays or limits in processing rates. Measuring the distribution of particles is crucial and the consistency of the process will no doubt be improved.

If you want to know more about particle size analysis and particle size characterization, then please check out these links!

Monday, May 28, 2018

SibSoft Now Provides Quality Software Products

SibSoft Now Provides Quality Software Products

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SibSoft Now Provides Quality Software Products

The increasing demand for quality software products has forced the world niche leaders to introduce innovations and customize their development solutions to meet the growing needs of clients. Being concerned with their reputation and clients satisfaction, SibSoft is one of the companies, which keeps working on the development of customized software solutions.
SibSoft is a company, which focuses on the development of web-based solutions. It is based in one of the largest Russian cities and has over a decade of experience in website design, web application and software development and further maintenance. The company has already worked with over 1000 customers and successfully completed around 5000 technological projects. This is what they tell about their work: At SibSoft our objective is to form solid, long-term working relationships to benefit our customers. Over the past ten years we have developed and streamlined our processes to adapt to the needs of all of our clients. In the process we have greatly minimized overhead expenses.

SibSoft has developed four products that now enjoy popularity with clients. These include XFilesharing Pro (a powerful file sharing script), XVideosharing (Video content distribution turnkey solution), XFilemirror (File Mirror script) and XImagesharing (an image hosting script). Each of these products stands out from the crowd due to their quality and adherence to the modern industry trends and requirements. The experience the company has allows them withstand tough niche competition, remaining among the industry leaders.

SibSoft experts provide their clients with flexible terms, professional services and fixed-price contracts for short- and long-time projects. They deal with large companies from different countries of the world that keep using their products to contribute to the popularity of their organizations. Webmasters in search of the best tools won't have to look any further than SibSoft's line of easy-to-use line of software products. From product conception, to development, and ongoing maintenance, SibSoft is the smart choice for all your technological solutions,- underline the company specialists.

For more information, please, feel free to visit

About the Company:

SibSoft is a world-known company, which has won recognition due to the quality of software products they develop. The company is located in Russia and has over 10 years of niche expertise. This allows them produce innovative software solutions to meet the needs of customers. As of today, the most popular products they offer include XFilesharing Pro, XVideosharing, XFilemirror and XImagesharing.

Address: Injenernaya street 4a, Novosibirsk, Russia

ShiningSoft Releases Powerful Blu-Ray Player for Mac Users to Smoothly Play Blu-ray Movies on Mac

ShiningSoft Releases Powerful Blu-Ray Player for Mac Users to Smoothly Play Blu-ray Movies on Mac

ShiningSoft, the reliable multimedia software developer, announces the release of professional Mac Blu-ray Player to let Mac users quickly play Blu-ray movies and many other media formats on Mac computers. This Mac Blu-Ray Player combines the great picture and sound with full featured Blu-ray/DVD navigation including Blu-ray/DVD playback with full operating controls.
ShiningSoft is an award-winning multimedia software developer. It provides powerful and easy-to-use multimedia software including Video Converter, DVD Converter, 3D Converter, MP3/MP4 Converter, DVD Player, etc. In this month, this reliable multimedia software developer releases new Mac Blu-ray Player for Mac users to play Blu-ray movies and other media formats under Mac OS.

We have been spending more than 100 days on designing and building this Mac Blu-ray Player. Kenny, the product manager, says, ShiningSoft Mac Blu-ray Player has outstanding features. We hope it can help Mac users smoothly play videos, pictures, audio files on Mac.

ShiningSoft Mac Blu-ray Player supports to load Blu-ray Menu, Blu-ray Disc, Blu-ray ISO File, Blu-ray Folder, DVD ISO File and DVD Folder. It combines the great picture and sound with full featured Blu-ray/DVD navigation including Blu-ray/DVD playback with full operating controls. This powerful Mac Blu-ray Player is fully capable of dealing with video, audio or image files and can be used for opening most popular multimedia file formats including MOV, MKV, AVI, FLV, WMV, MP4, MPEG, RMVB, MTS, M2TS, MOD, VOB, M4V, TS, MXF, FLAC, WAV, WMA, AAC, ALAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, AU, MP3 and more.

This easy-to-use and powerful Mac Blu-ray Player is compatible with macOS 10.12 (Sierra), Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), 10.9(Mavericks), 10.8 (Mountain Lion), 10.7 (Lion), 10.6 (Snow Leopard).

ShiningSoft also offers free video player for Mac users. It is both Mac Video Player and Mac Audio Player that plays a wide range of popular file types including SD/HD/4K UHD/5K HD /1080p videos.

Download ShiningSoft Mac Video Player:

ShiningSoft Blu-ray Player:

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About ShiningSoft:

ShiningSoft, established in 2011, is a professional multimedia and data recovery solutions provider. ShiningSoft products are available and welcomed by users all over the worldwide, to be used on both Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac OS X platforms. ShiningSoft has more than 150 excellent employees who are all experts in their respective departments: Development Dept, Test Dept, Product Dept, Marketing Dept, Support & Service Dept, and Management Dept.

Contact person: Kenny
Company: ShiningSoft
Address: New York, NY, USA

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Autocad 3D Chamfer

Autocad 3D Chamfer

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Autocad 3D Chamfer

One common method of adding realism to a model created in Autocad's 3D interface is to add a chamfer or a fillet to the edges of the object. A chamfer is generally a machined-angled surface added to the straight edges of an object, most commonly at thirty or forty-five degree angles to the flat planes of the object. A fillet is a rounded edge machined in a similar fashion, and described by a radius. The purpose of both fillets and chamfers is to reduce any imperfections caused by the cutting and tooling of metal machine parts. When we see these artifacts on an object created in a 3D modeling program like Autocad, our eye interprets them as belonging to a real objects, and subconsciously lends an air or realism to the model.

In the example shown here we have a metal bracket with notches, grooves and holes cut into the various surfaces and planes. We have added fillets and chamfers to the edges to lend this air of realism. The bracket itself was initially created using the standard Box tool and punching in the values for width, height and depth. Then a variety of Boolean operations, such as Union, Subtraction and Intersection were applied. The three boxes are joined together using the Union command. Then more boxes representing the grooves were added to the initial bracket shape, then cut out using the Subtract command.

The hole in the bracket's base was created by adding a cylinder and projecting it through the base. The Subtract command was also used to cut out the hole. And finally we wish to chamfer and fillet the edges. To do so we first select the Chamfer tool from the Modify tab at the top Ribbon panel. Next the user selects the individual lines which make up the edges to be chamfered, completing the selection by clicking the Enter key on the keyboard. Autocad then asks for a distance or angle - here we could type in 2, for example, and hit Enter twice. This means that the distance along each of the two perpendicular surfaces adjacent to the edge will be 2mm. We then click the line or lines again and again hit the Enter key. The chamfer of 2mm on each side of the edge should appear, cutting away the original edge.

The Fillet tool operates in a similar manner; the tool being found stacked behind the Chamfer tool in the Modify tab. In our example shown here the top edge of the overhanging lip was filleted using a radius of 2mm. The edge or edges are first selected, and the Radius value is entered.

In this way a sense of realism can be employed with smaller 3D models, especially after highlights are picked out when realistic lighting and materials are added to the scene. For larger models, however, like architectural or interior design models, adding too many chamfers and fillets is not recommended since this increases the file's size and rendering time. In such cases often the edges closest to the camera only are filleted and chamfered, leaving the further details alone since those edges are blurred anyway by distance.

ATEN to Offer HDBaseT Certification Training and Showcase Today's Hottest Pro AV Solutions During A

ATEN to Offer

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ATEN to Offer HDBaseT Certification Training and Showcase Today's Hottest Pro AV Solutions During A

ATEN to Offer HDBaseT Certification Training and Showcase Todays Hottest Pro AV Solutions During Almo 2018 E4 AV Tour
IRVINE, CA February 26, 2018 ATEN Technology, Inc., the technology leader and global manufacturer of KVM and Pro AV connectivity solutions, will join Almo Professional A/V, North Americas largest professional audio visual (AV) distributor with global reach, to give resellers, integrators, and consultants the opportunity to learn how to create powerful integrated AV experiences during the E4 AV Tour in Washington, D.C. on March 6, and Dallas, Texas on April 24. At both events, ATEN will provide live and static demos of its Pro AV solutions, as well as offer an HDBaseT Certification course for installers and integrators.

Named the CI BEST Training, Consulting/Business Service for the fourth year in a row, and a recipient of the SCN 2017 Stellar Service Award, the E4 program offers AV professionals the experience of a full day of educational sessions worth AVIXA CTS Renewal Units (RUs), as well as exclusive access to the newest AV products and services.

Live and Static Demos

ATEN will provide live demos of its VE8950 - 4K HDMI over IP Extender. Engineered to meet the demands of large scale, multi-display, 4K signal transmission, the solution is easy to set up and operate. It is ideal for a wide range of environments, such as trade shows, airports, university campuses, conference centers, and shopping centers, and delivers visually lossless 4K AV signals with low latency over long distance via a local network of standard gigabit network switch.

Additionally, ATEN will provide static demos of its video matrix, video extender, video splitter, video switch, and video converter with 4K solutions.

HDBaseT Certification

A premier manufacturer of HDBaseT products, ATEN will offer HDBaseT Certification at both E4 events. A connectivity standard for whole-home and commercial distribution of uncompressed HD multimedia content, the HDBaseT Certification course is targeted at both the beginner and expert installer, and includes technology principles, installation dos and donts, best practices, product certification and interoperability, and a hands-on tutorial and demonstration. The courses instructor is YT Liang, an ATEN Technology, Inc. product manager.

Were thrilled to have ATEN offer HDBaseT Certification training at our upcoming E4 events in Washington, D.C. and Dallas, Texas to help educate our attendees about best practices when building reliable HDBaseT installations successfully, said Melody Craigmyle, vice president of marketing, Almo Professional A/V. Through the training course, integrators will obtain a better understanding about the HDBaseT technology, its application, and hands-on practice of each of the 5Play (USB, AV, Ethernet, control, and power), helping them more easily determine the interoperability of different HDBaseT products to avoid additional costs and project delays due to incompatibility.

For more information about ATENs HDBaseT Certification training at E4 in Washington, D.C., visit: For the Dallas, Texas show, visit:

E4 Washington, D.C. and E4 Dallas Details E4 Washington, D.C. is on March 6 at the Sheraton Tysons Hotel from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. E4 Dallas is on April 24 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Both events are complimentary (including parking) for Almo Pro A/Vs reseller, integrator, and consultant partners. To register, click here.

About ATEN Technology, Inc.: ATEN Technology, Inc. is the technology leader and global manufacturer of KVM and Pro AV connectivity solutions, and the U.S. subsidiary of ATEN International Co., Ltd. (TWSE: 6277), established in 1979. A certified member of the HDBaseT Alliance, holding over 500 industry patents, ATEN offers integrated KVM, Professional Audio (Pro AV), and Intelligent Power solutions, across all industries including corporate, commercial, government, industrial, entertainment, educational, and retail environments.

A technology first company, ATENs advanced ability to quickly develop customized solutions in KVM, Pro AV, PDU, USB, and data communication lines allows them to build products that connect, manage, and optimize electronics based on customer need. Its comprehensive portfolio of innovative, reliable products is available worldwide, with local U.S support. For more information, visit: and follow @ATENConnect on Twitter.

About Almo Professional A/V: Almo Professional A/V is the nations largest professional audio visual distributor with forward-thinking product integration, training and education, managed services, and technical support capabilities. With highly skilled sales and business development manager teams, reseller education programs, distribution centers across the U.S. and carefully chosen product lines for the Pro A/V channel, Almo Professional A/V provides customers with the full distribution experience on a local and a personal level. Almo Professional A/V is a division of Almo Corp., the nations leading independent distributor of consumer electronics and major appliances. For more information about Almo Professional A/V, please call 888-420-2566 or go to Almo Professional A/V can also be followed on Twitter at and on Facebook at

Products, service names, and company logos mentioned herein may be the registered trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

PR Contacts: Angela Tuzzo MRB Public Relations for ATEN +1 732.758.1100, x. 105

Melody Craigmyle Almo Professional A/V 888-420-2566, ext. 6520


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